Sports focused physical therapy & performance training in Algonquin, IL
How We Treat
Cupping Therapy
Myofascial Cupping is a physical therapy - sport performance technique that uses decompression directed to the muscular and fascial system of the body. This form of therapy uses negative pressure (a suction effect) to decompress and separate the underlying tissue layers. Cupping promotes healing to underlying tissues by improving blood flow, decreasing pain, improving tissue gliding, removing toxins, and breaking up scar tissue/adhesions.
Cupping has become popular among athletes to relieve pain and soreness when playing sports.
The cups are applied along the planes of the muscle. Different techniques can be applied during cupping to enhance treatment goals. The patient may also be instructed to move in various patterns (stretching, active range of motion, sports specific patterns) to allow the soft tissue to be mobilized or stretched in the desired direction.
Cupping attracts blood flow to the affected area, which brings essential nutrients to the area to assist in the healing of tissues. Typically, there is mild bruising that will dissipates in a few days. The bruising represents the removal of toxins underneath the tissue. The darker the color, the more congested the area is with toxins.
The negative pressure exerted by the suction of the cup gently increases flexibility in the tissues. The cups can also be glided across different areas to further lift and separate tissues. This enhances the release of the interfaces between the neural tissues, fascia, skin, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It can also reduce adhesions and trigger points. Cupping is often used as an adjunct to other therapeutic techniques. Patients with conditions related to the muscles and fascial structure will find that this therapy is very effective. Some patients with myofascial pain report resolution of pain after just one session.

Hours of Operation
Monday 8am-10pm
Tuesday 9am-9pm
Wednesday 8am-10pm
Thursday 9am-9pm
Friday 8am-9pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-8pm