Sports focused physical therapy & performance training in Algonquin, IL
What We Treat
Sport Injuries
Sports Injuries & Care
Sport Physical Therapy Care does not mean you need to be a professional athlete to get the care you need (and deserve). Athletic Edge and Wellness has you covered; from the youth athlete, to collegiate player, to the weekend warrior and everything in between. The best treatment for a sports injury will depend on several factors; including the severity of the injury, the type of the injury, and any other personal health issues that may impact your recovery. Working with a physical therapist soon after experiencing an injury can help you to recover faster. Sports injuries may be traumatic or from overuse. Either way, physical therapy is a safe and effective way to return to competition.
Do you know that you don’t have to be experiencing an injury to have sports physical therapy care? Did you know a physical therapist can help you break through performance barriers, learn training options, and promote recovery and ongoing wellness? In season, Athletic Edge can help you perform your best. Off season, it can help you manage your recovery and address your deficits. Our wellness tune-ups are perfect for athletes who experience a physical breakdown during periods of heavy competition.
Common Sports Injuries
The way that physical therapy can help you after a sports injury depends a lot on the type of sports injury. Some injuries are acute and traumatic in nature such as a collision in football. Others are more chronic in nature, such as shin splints, which may linger throughout the season and ultimately impair your performance.
Baseball: rotator cuff tendonitis/strain, medial elbow pain, hip strains
Football: ankle sprains, knee sprains, fractures
Dance: foot strains/sprains, hip labral injuries, patellar tendonitis
Golf: rotator cuff tendonitis, low back pain, tennis elbow
Softball: shoulder pain, low back pain
Soccer: ankle sprains, ACL tears, hamstring strains
Volleyball: wrist and hand injuries, patella-femoral pain, shoulder sprains
Basketball: ankle sprains, ACL tears, jumper’s knee
Lacrosse: sprains and strains, contusions
Tennis: shoulder impingement, tennis elbow, meniscal injuries
Runners/Track and Field: shin splints, plantar fasciitis, ITB tendonitis
This list includes the most commonly seen injuries in each sport, but is not all inclusive. Each of these injuries can be serious, and medical attention should always be sought out to determine the severity of the injury as well as the best treatment available. In many cases, physical therapy can be started immediately after the initial injury, which will speed recovery and reduce pain and discomfort. This helps to eliminate compensation and poor movement patterns down the road. The specific treatment strategies employed by physical therapy vary as widely as the types of sports injuries. Usually, many techniques are applied during the course of treatment of treatment as the patient progresses. Using evidenced based medicine helps us deliver excellent outcomes for our patients.
Sports care involves the understanding of many factors; whether the athlete is in season or off season, what the physical needs of their sport are (hitting, kicking, throwing), the use of equipment, the athlete’s position, and the type and severity of their injury. Often athletes are told to “just shut it down for a couple of weeks” (there are exceptions like fractures and surgery). However, this is not always the best answer. Rest should be relative, rest from abuse, not rest from activity. When you shut an athlete down for 2 weeks and then return them to the same environment they were hurt in, the potential for continued pain and injury remains. Now the athlete has lost 2 weeks of training as well as 2 weeks of the competition season. This is a lose-lose situation.
For example, a baseball player with a shoulder injury has different needs than a football player. Furthermore, a lineman has different needs (pushing-pushing) than a wide receiver (catching). Specific exercise must be designed for each rehab program. Another factor may be the modification in playing parameters. A baseball player may have elbow pain from pitching, but not have any pain with batting. In this instance, the athlete may be able to be a designated hitter while they continue their rehab program. Furthermore, it is possible they may be able to throw the ball from in the field (like 2nd base) if they have no pain and just be limited from a pitching perspective. Working with a sports physical therapist can help guide this process and limit in season downtime. Individualized care is essential to this process - no two athletes and their injuries are the same.
Why Are We Different?
As a CHAMPION SPORTS PERFORMANCE SPECIALIST, we take a 360-degree approach to performance. Obtaining baseline measurements, setting realistic goals, and understanding time frames needed is essential to establishing a coordinated plan of care. From there, prioritizing pain control and exercise prescription is the key; it becomes a balancing act between not progressing enough and processing too much. This is where our expertise comes into play. As pain decreases, targeted exercise prescription must advance load (ability to do more) and capacity for the WHOLE BODY (for longer periods of time) for the athlete to return to game time intensity. With this method, athletes can often return to sports in quicker time frames. Our success lies in our expertise with working with high level athletes, dedicated 60 minute one on one therapy sessions, and a structured home program that compliments your treatment program.
Don’t believe us? Look at our Hall of Fame Testimonials and Google Reviews. Don’t settle for cookie cutter care or a therapist that doesn’t understand your goals and your sport. Check out our cutting-edge training facility in Algonquin, IL where we can take your training to the next level. Let us help you MOVE BETTER, PERFORM BETTER and BE BETTER. Don’t let your sports injury sideline you longer than it has too, call us today at 224-505-3343 to jump start your recovery!

Contact Athletic Edge and Wellness for Sports Related Injuries
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