Sports focused physical therapy & performance training in Algonquin, IL
What We Treat
Hip Pain
Hip Pain Relief
Are you experiencing pain in your hip? The hip joint is one of the strongest joints in the body. It provides the body with power during sporting activities using large muscle attachments for the gluts, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Running, squatting, lunging, and hinging are just some the movements the hips help to control. Pain can be localized to the hip, or pain can stem from another structure such as spine and knee. Hip pain can be located in the front, side or the back of the hip. Each type of hip pain can have it’s own causes and symptoms. It is important to see a physical therapist who has in-depth knowledge of human movement and biomechanics. An accurate diagnosis is essential in determining the most appropriate treatment plan and interventions.
Conditions Causing Hip Pain
Sprain/strain of muscles and or ligaments: A sprain can occur with the ligaments are stretched or torn surrounding the hip joint complex. This can happen with a sudden twisting movement, a fall, or kicking motion. Soccer players, football players, and those in martial arts are more susceptible to hip injuries, but any athletes who runs, pivots, and jumps can develop pain. Symptoms may include stiffness in the joint, weakness, and pain with even simple tasks like getting out of the car.
Hip Labral Tear: A hip labral tear involves the ring of cartilage (labrum) that follows the outside rim of the hip joint socket. In addition to cushioning the hip joint, the labrum acts like a rubber seal or gasket to help hold the ball securely within the hip socket. Athletes who participate in soccer, hockey, football, and ballet are at a higher risk of labral tears. Commonly, pain is located in the front of the hip or in the groin. Popping or clicking may occur with movement. If the therapist suspects a labral tear or is not responding to conservative care, they may direct you to an orthopedic specialist for further evaluation.
Bursitis: This is the inflammation of the fluid filled sac located near the hip joint. It keeps the tendons and muscles from rubbing directly against the bone. Prolonged activities, even sitting, can increase pain. Bursitis may develop due to overuse or repetitive stress, and is more common as we age. Often, pain is located on the outside of the hip and can limit your ability to lay on your side when sleeping. Compensation and weakness can cause limping.
Hip Tendonitis: This is a condition that occurs when the tendons or muscles in the hip become inflamed or irritated. It can cause pain and stiffness, especially when moving the hip out to the side, front, or back or putting weight on the leg during walking. It is commonly caused by overuse, repetitive motion, or training faults. It is common in athletes who are involved in running sports, rotational/twisting movements or jumping activities. Tendonitis can develop in the front of the hip at the hip flexor, at the side of the hip at the iliotibial band, or in the back of the hip at the gluteal muscles. Each of these locations needs requires a specific treatment plan to address deficits and promote full recovery.
Osteoporosis: This is a condition that develops due to a loss of bone density and may effect woman and men of all races. White and Asian women, and especially older women who are post-menopausal, are at highest risk. Healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss and strengthen bones.
Poor Mechanics/Weakness: Hip mobility and weakness can wreak havoc on your body. In addition to hip pain, it can quickly refer pain to the low back, knee and ankle sprains. The hip muscles can become tight and stiff from too much time sitting. An athlete’s hips must be able to go from the NO (sitting position) to the GO (sports) position. The hip muscles are the most powerful muscles in body, and weakness can lead to tendonitis, poor technique, and ultimately limit you in achieving your peak performance. The hip muscles control dynamic single leg balance. Many sports activities are a series of single leg balances (think pitching a baseball, running, kicking a soccer ball, or dance). These activities require endurance from the hip muscles over the course of practice, a game, and a season. Often, core and pelvic strengthening is needed as these muscles have attachments that cross the hip joint and pelvis.
Pelvic Floor Issues: You may be feeling pain in your hip, but the cause maybe coming from another part of your pelvis. The pelvic floor provides support to the spine, helps to maintain proper posture, and supports the organs in the pelvis. A physical therapist will be able to help differentiate the cause of the pain and refer you to the appropriate medical expert if the condition is outside of a muscular imbalance or weakness.
The Physical Therapists at Athletic Edge and Wellness in Algonquin will start with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the treatment plan that is right for you and your condition. Treatment may include stretching and mobility exercises, manual therapy, or strengthening exercises. Athletes will also need to work on running patterns, agility, and pivoting, in order to return to sports. By taking a multi-faceted approach, we can you back to doing what love quickly.
Athletic Edge and Wellness should be your first choice when seeking intervention to relieve hip pain. As movement experts, we assess the whole body to determine what may be at the root cause of your pain. Research shows physical therapy is a safe, effective way to provide pain relief and improve function without the need for medications and injections. Take a stand against hip pain. Let our Athletic Edge and Wellness physical therapy in Algonquin, IL help you to MOVE BETTER, PERFORM BETTER, and BE BETTER. Schedule an appointment with us today to get you on the road to recovery.

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