Sports focused physical therapy & performance training in Algonquin, IL

Sports Specific Care
Baseball Physical Therapy
Baseball Physical Therapy for Pitchers, Hitters, Outfielders + Infielders
Baseball can lead to a variety of injuries; physical therapy can help players recover from injuries and improve their performance on the field. Throwing a ball is one of the most stressful and complicated movements in sports. It requires dynamic and coordinated muscular effort from head to toe. Any problem or small change in mechanics can quickly lead to pain and injury. In fact, 51% of baseball pitchers complain of shoulder or elbow pain.
At Athletic Edge and Wellness, we take a multi-faceted approach that looks at the whole athlete not just the "injured body part". Often an ELBOW problem has a shoulder component and a SHOULDER problem has an elbow component. Furthermore, many ARM problems have connections to the LOWER BODY and CORE that need to be identified and addressed.
Our goal is to keep you throwing in some manner while you are healing Often thrower's are told to "shut it down" (there are exceptions), however, in many cases this old school mentality can further slow down an athlete's recovery and performance. Rest from "abuse" is different than rest from "activity". The baseball season is short and intense in the Midwest, don't sit out more than you have to.
Here are some common baseball injuries we treat and how physical therapy can help.

Knee Injuries
Catchers are at higher risk due to the demands of their position; frequent squatting, jumping, and sudden lateral movements. Patellar tendonitis is caused by pressure on the kneecap which occurs with squatting.
Wrist/Hand/Finger Injuries
These types of injuries happen with repetitive throwing and framing with catching. Wrist tendonitis can be common.
Collision Injuries
Collision occur frequently at home plate and can include concussions, fractures, and traumatic injuries such a fractures.
The rotator cuff muscles are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder during throwing motions. Overuse or improper throwing mechanics can lead to tendonitis, sprains, and strains.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Strains and Tears are on the rise in 15-19 years old due to repetitive stress of throwing coupled with weakness in arm and poor throwing mechanics.
Pain in the front of the shoulder is often from the biceps muscle. Tendonitis can result from weakness in the rotator cuff and poor throwing mechanics.

Baseball players can experience back pain due to the repetitive nature of swinging from one direction, as well as the high force and torque associated with hitting.
Part of the abdominal muscles are the oblique muscle that are responsible for rotating and stabilizing the trunk with swinging the bat.
Being hit by a baseball can cause muscle and bone contusions and concussions.
Account for nearly 25% of all injuries. A 20% loss in power, can increase stress on the arm by 34%. Injuries can occur with running, sliding, and pivoting.
Running and sliding can lead to quad and hamstring strains especially early in the season or with running in cold weather.
Is common in infielders from repetitive intense and frequent throwing; tendonitis, sprains, and strains are the most prevalent diagnoses.

Outfielders can twist their ankle while sprinting on uneven ground and pivoting.
Can occur with running, pivoting, and diving for the ball. Meniscal tears, ligament sprains/tears such as the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) or Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) are common.
Sprains /strains and labral injuries can occur from the stress placed on the shoulder joint and tissues from long range intense throws.
Not all physical therapists' posses the expertise in working with unique needs of throwers. As a certified ON BASE UNIVERSITY PITCHING EXPERT and CHAMPION SPORTS PERFORMANCE SPECIALIST we have the expertise help your thrower. Tossing a ball into a trampoline isn't returning to throwing, nor is waiting until the last week of therapy to start throwing beneficial for your return to real game intensity.
Understanding the biomechanics from the windup to ball release is imperative to recovery and treatment plan. Physical Therapy can help baseball players both recover from injuries and improve their performance on the field by reducing pain and inflammation, improving mobility and strength, and preventing future injuries through proper mechanics and conditioning. Our performance center has specialized training tools to help your player return quickly to the field. Contact us today if player is experiencing pain with throwing.

Contact Athletic Edge & Wellness Physical Therapy for pain relief and wellness
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